Grid tables are grids styled to look like .romo-table
tables. They support the some optional classes, styling and behavior.
Grid tables are built by wrapping grid markup in a .romo-grid-table
element. Grid tables should be used when you want your markup to look like a table but not have all the special behavior that comes with a table.
You won’t get:
- semantic header, body, footer, etc.
- auto sizing columns based on their content
- consistent cell heights across rows.
You will get:
- raw markup that can be more easily manipulated (ie drag n drop, etc).
- more flexible styling control
Also note: Romo grid tables aren’t designed to be nested in one another. Doing so causes the styles of the parent grid table to be forced on the child grid table.
Default styles
For basic styling, wrap the grid markup and add the base classes .romo-list-table
. Lists are used in these examples, but any grid elements can also be used.
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table"> <li class="romo-row"> ... </li> <li class="romo-row"> ... </li> </ul>
Optional classes
Assumes the first row is a header row and styles it.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header"> ... </ul>
Adds zebra-striping to grid table rows via the :nth-child
CSS selector.
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-striped"> ... </ul> <ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header romo-grid-table-striped"> ... </ul> <ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-striped romo-grid-table-striped-alt"> ... </ul>
Uses the alternate bg color for the table background.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-alt"> ... </ul>
Add color emphasis to grid table rows.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header"> <li class="romo-row">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-muted">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-warning">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-error">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-info">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-success">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-inverse romo-text-inverse">...</li> </ul>
Add hover state to rows
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-hover"> ... </ul> <ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header romo-grid-table-hover"> ... </ul>
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-hover romo-grid-table-striped"> ... </ul> <ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header romo-grid-table-hover romo-grid-table-striped"> ... </ul>
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-hover romo-grid-table-alt"> ... </ul> <ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-hover romo-grid-table-alt romo-grid-table-striped"> ... </ul> <ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header romo-grid-table-hover romo-grid-table-alt romo-grid-table-striped"> ... </ul>
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header romo-grid-table-hover"> <li class="romo-row">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-muted">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-warning">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-error">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-info">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-success">...</li> <li class="romo-row romo-inverse romo-text-inverse">...</li> </ul>
Adds sized borders to the grid table.
Note: This makes all cells hide any overflow. Since grid tables don’t keep all cell heights the same (like normal tables do), uneven grid heights break the borders. If you need cells to overflow with borders, use a standard romo table.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp overflow: 1234567890
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp overflow: 1234567890
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp overflow: 1234567890
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp overflow: 1234567890
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-border{0-2}"> ... </ul>
Remove all borders from the grid table.
Note: This makes all cells hide any overflow. Since grid tables don’t keep all cell heights the same (like normal tables do), uneven grid heights break the borders. If you need cells to overflow with borders, use a standard romo table.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp overflow: 1234567890
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-border-none"> ... </ul>
Adds border color emphasis to the entire grid table.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-border-{muted|warning|error|info|success|inverse}"> ... </ul>
Uses the alternate border color for the grid table borders.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-alt romo-grid-table-border-alt"> ... </ul>
Adds cell padding to every cell in the table. Use large padding sizes with caution as they can cause the grid table rows to “break” if there is not enough width for the padding.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-pad0"> ... </ul>
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-pad"> ... </ul>
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-pad1"> ... </ul>
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-pad2"> ... </ul>
Custom Styles
Use any helper style classes in any combination on rows/cells.
- # Name Slug Count
- 1 Joe Test joe-test 10
- 2 Jane Doe jane-doe 18
- 3 Good Corp. good-corp 5
<ul class="romo-grid-table romo-grid-table-header romo-grid-table-pad"> <tr> <th class="romo-pad2">#</th> <th>Name</th> <th class="romo-text2 romo-pad2-left">Slug</th> <th class="romo-span romo-1-12 romo-align-center romo-align-top">Count</th> </tr> <li class="romo-row"> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12 romo-pad2">#</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12">Name</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12 romo-text2 romo-pad2-left">Slug</span> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12 romo-align-center romo-align-top">Count</span> </li> <li class="romo-row"> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12">1</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12 romo-bg-info">Joe Test</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12">joe-test</span> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12 romo-span romo-1-12 romo-text2 romo-border-error romo-border4">10</span> </li> <li class="romo-row"> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12">2</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12">Jane Doe</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12 romo-pad0">jane-doe</span> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12 romo-align-center romo-text-success">18</span> </li> <li class="romo-row romo-bg-success"> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12">3</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12">Good Corp.</span> <span class="romo-span romo-5-12">good-corp</span> <span class="romo-span romo-1-12">5</span> </li> </ul>